Tuesday, July 1, 2014

#ASCA14 #NOTATASCA14 Day Two Post

Here are day two resources from #ASCA14 and some great quotes:

"All you have to do counselors, is rise each time you fall!"  @sch_counselor

Whenever you get tired, frustrated, overwhelmed think about the extraordinary ripple effect of your work because it is real

Dads Matter! Give them a chance in your school! Free Training 4 U:  @WatchDOGSRadio

Press coverage of speech.  @ASCAtweets

The school counselor as a leader 4 improving school climate. Follow my notes this morning!  @FSabens

Use this resource to learn more about SEL:  @CMSLisaNewman

Have departments note what class prepares student 4 16 career clusters. 14

Branding & Marketing presentation & links uploaded to TCG! Thanks for coming to our session!  @CounselingGeek

There are LOTS more resources on the app and on Twitter.  Enjoy!